Friday, May 21, 2010

some more advice (ha ha) for the dog

A closed door does not mean that we-are-doing-something-very exciting-there or that you arent part of the family or most importantly, it does not mean the AC is on, and we are keeping out of it.
it's just a door that happens to be closed.

I know i am going out, i know that it makes you very sad. However, lets take things into perspective:

Do NOT stand by the window peering out with orphan eyes. I won't change my mind, and no, you can't go to the board meeting either.

I am NOT breaking up the family.

I am NOT going forever. I will be back shortly.

And yes, you succeed superbly in making me feel guilty.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


people who imagine dogs as monsters out to get them are missing out in life, their loss

Monday, May 3, 2010


People worry about their children, plan for their future..
from the day they are born..
save for their education, save for their marriage
invest in property..
not a one worries that there will not be water for them to drink.or bathe in or cook vegetables, or wash their hands off, or cool off in a hot, hot summer's day.
Simply imagine a world without water..and imagine your child being part of it. if that world survives.