Friday, December 18, 2009

To the (beloved) Dog

Hi, i don't know how it works in your Doggy World, but in the society we deem civilised, and where you are doomed to live, we have manners--a set of rules we live by--i don't know why-but i guess that's what makes us 'higher beings'. goes. and i would really be obliged if you will oblige:

1) The best way to greet a person is not by thrusting your nose in his/her butt, or crotch for that matter. You hear?
2) my clothes are not towels. that's not where you wipe your face after you eat food
3) toilet bowls are not drinking water. Yes, i know the same logic applies here as in Rule 1 (the smellier, the better) . Still, NO.
4) when you take us for a walk, don't pull. You aren't sled dogs heroically pulling us through ice and snow. If we fall or something--there goes your caretaker/butler/cook/nurse. See, we are only looking after your interests
5) I know the postman only puts in a rare appearance these days. But in his absence the daily help is NOT the substitute. She is to be left alone. she is more important than you. Gettit? don't sulk--she is more important that anyone in the house, hubby included.
6) that nice Persian rug in the drawing room. Ya, i know your favourite--its not a picnic mat--or your dining table. thats what bowls are for.


  1. Lol! Thanks for posting this, I'll make my dogs read this too!

  2. yeah the way Doginder reads the newspaper!

  3. Lol, looks like you want an obedient human, not a dog. ;)
